2024 Spring Luncheon
50 Year Members
Branch President Moira Murray and State President Donna Jean Simmon
2023 Branch Donation Honoree Moira Murray with Jo Mulvihill
2023 Used Book Sale
2023 Garden Walk
Garden Walk
Garden Walk
The upcoming Book Sale is promoted at the Garden Walk
2023 Memorial Day Parade
2022 Holiday Celebration
2022 Scholarship Winners
Michaela Rendon, Kelly McLean, Madison Navarro
2021 Used Book Sale
Sandburg Middle School
July 8-11, 2021
DuPage PADS Meeting
October 9, 2019
DuPage Pads Presentation by VP of Programs Scott Austgen
Ellen O’Hara and Rosemarie Eck with DuPage PADS VP of Programs Scott Austgen
Suzanne Stock and Chris White
Elaine Libovicz and Jeanette Flaningam
Genie Urick, Azra Haque, Marilyn Thompson, Shasta Arain, and Sherall Carson
Sally Schuster, Mary Eleanor Wall, and Moira Murray
Janet Hodge and Barbara Hunter
September Supper
Livia Restaurant
September 11, 2019
Jeanette Flaningam and Pat O’Dwyer
Janet Hodge, Sherall Carson, and Barbara Hunter
Deb Markello, Janet Kiep, and Sally Allen
Judy Ekblad, Elaine Libovicz, and Maria Patt
Azra Haque, Tsue Ostermann, and Mary Hallman
Mary Mallon, Marie Dressander, and Marilyn Thompson
Carolyn Heiney, Sally Schuster, Jennifer Jordan, Kimberly Miller, and Moira Murray
60TH Anniversary – 2019 Used Book Sale
July 25th-28th at Sandburg Middle School
Barbara Hunter, Denise Dean, and Lauren Pitelli thank the Elmhurst community for supporting the 2019 Used Book Sale
Krista, Betty Laliberte, Lauren Pitelli, Jan Caudy, and Barbara Hunter thank the Elmhurst Community and Doti’s Liquors for supporting the Used Book Sale.
Lauren Pitelli, Cindy Grau, Linda Fischer, Deb Markello, Carolyn Heiney, and Judy Ekblad are all smiles as they work a shift at the book sale.
Betty Laliberte, Jan Caudy, and Perry Doubt share a laugh at the book sale.
York High School football team and Key Club members helped with cleanup.
July 18, 2019
Elmhurst College Kappa Kappa Gamma members assist at a book sort
July 14, 2019
Front to Back – Suzanne Stock, Lauren Pitelli, and Moira Murray
Lauren Pitelli, Suzanne Stock, and Moira Murray
Sally Shuster and Maria Patt
Deb Markello
Pat O’Dwyer, Carol Rounds, and Cynthia Smith-Jans
May 27, 2019
The AAUW Elmhurst Area Branch Memorial Day Parade participants
Ellen O’Hara (back seat) and Elaine Libovitz (front seat) ride in Mike O’Dwyer’s patriotic red convertible!
Maria Patt, Linda Fischer, Jennifer Jordan, Amy Allen, Tsue Ostermann, Moira Murray, Patricia Donahue, Tsue Ostermann, Sarah Caltvedt, Suzanne Stock ,Carol Rounds, Jacki Bogolia, and Betty Laliberte are lined up and ready for the parade to begin.
Maria Patt, Linda Fischer, Moira Murray, Patricia Donahue, Jennifer Jordan, Tsue Ostermann, Amy Allen, Carol Rounds, Judy Ekblad, Sarah Caltvedt, Betty Laliberte, and Jacki Bogolia
Jennifer Jordan rolls up the banner at the end of the parade route.
River Forest Country Club, Elmhurst
Seated (L to R) – Lauren Pitelli, Amy Allen, Elaine Libovitz, Perry Doubt, Judy Ekblad Standing – Sally Ott and Genie Urich, (Sarah Caltvedt in background).
50+ Members – Seated – Jeannette Flaningam and Mary Eleanor Wall Standing (L to R) – Genie Urich, Sally Allen, co-Membership VP Deb Markello, Marcia Goltermann, Virginia Curran, and Elaine Davison
Seated – Marcia Goltermann Standing (L to R) – Elaine Davison, Jane Kiep, Jeanne Reagan, Peggy Fox, Mary Hallman, and Sally Allen
Seated – 2019 RSS recipients Claudia Oropeza (L) and Paulina Rseszowska (R) with Mary Mallon (C) Standing (L to R) – Moira Murray, Suzanne Stock, co-President Carolyn Heiney, Sally Schuster, and Jennifer Jordan
2019 Returning Student Scholarship Recipients Claudia Oropeza (L) and Paulina Rseszowska (R) with co-President Carolyn Heiney
November 2018 Meeting – Speakers Jennifer Jordan and John Quigley
September 2018 Meeting – Sally Ott, Carolyn Heiney, Darlene Van Meier, and Genie Urick
Deb Markello and Jennifer Jordan
Sarah Caltvedt, Carol Rounds, Peggy Fox, and Azra Haque
Pat O’Dwyer and Janet Hodge
Betsy Aldred – the Recycling Queen
Judy Ekblad browses through an AAUW scrapbook
September Supper – Dorothy Valintis, Sarah Caltvedt, Denise Thompson, Betty Laliberte, and Sally Schuster
Sherall Carson, Peggy Fox, and Elaine Davison
Maria Patt, Denise Dean, and Suzanne Stock
Mary Eleanor Wall, Azra Haque, Marilyn Thompson
New members Kimberly Miller (2nd from L) and Victoria Ludkowski (R) with Membership Co-Directors Deb Markello and Suzanne Stock
Sarah, Lauren, Jane, and Frances on Preview Night
Better Books Gals Sally Ott and Denise Dean
Frances, Sarah, Perry, and Jane on Preview Night
Browsers at the sale
Perry, Carolyn, Linda, Sally, Barb, Janet, and Elaine at the checkout table
Perry and Barb on Bag Sale Day
Books in the recycling truck
Recycling truck
Members of the York National Honor Society and football team help with cleanup
Dedicated AAUW members sort books every Wednesday and Saturday in preparation for the Used Book Sale
Barb Hunter, Deb Markello, and Maria Patt greet guests
Moira Murray and Suzanne Stock welcome guests to the Bourdage home on the Garden Walk.
Deb Markello, Cynthia Smith-Jans, and Maria Patt greet Garden Walk guests.
Carolyn Heiney, Suzanne Stock, and Moira Murray in the vegetable garden at the Garden Walk.
Lauren Pitelli arrives on bike for her shift at the Garden Walk.
Carol Rounds, Maria Patt, AAUW Supporter Jeanne Reder, Denise Dean, Deb Markello, Tsue Ostermann, Genie Urick, Suzanne Stock, and Carolyn Heiney prepare to march in the 100th Elmhurst Memorial Day Parade.
Coming down York Street
Denise Dean, Tsue Ostermann, Judy Ekblad, and Carol Rounds wait for the parade to begin.
Denise Dean, Tsue Ostermann, Judy Ekblad, and Carol Rounds carry the banner in the parade.
Suzanne Stock, Judy Ekblad, Maria Patt, Tsue Ostermann, Deb Markello, Denise Dean, AAUW Supporter Jeanne Reder, and Carol Rounds comprise the Used Book Sale banner carriers.
Pat O’Dwyer’s husband Mike, Genie Urick, incoming co-President Carolyn Heiney and her grandson Mikey ride in Mike’s festive red convertible.
2018 Returning Student Scholarship recipients Robyn-Leigh Zaras (L) and Suzanne Oddo (R) with AAUW Funds Director Mary Mallon
50 year members at the May Supper include (L to R) Genie Urick, Mary Eleanor Wall, Marcia Goltermann, Elaine Davison, and Sally Allen
New 50 year members Genie Urick (L) and Elaine Davison (R) with Membership VP’s Deb Markello and Jennifer Jordan
May Supper at Roberto’s
Incoming & Outgoing Board Members
Incoming & Outgoing Board Members
Christmas Party 2017 at Janet Hodge’s Condo
New Life Member Virginia Curran accepts her certificate from Membership Vice President Deb Markello at the October Meeting
Author Barbara Warner Deane and Program Vice President Genie Urick with Deane’s book “On the Homefront”
Barb Warner Deane presenting at the October Meeting
Sorting for the 2017 Used Book Sale
Suzanne Stock, Deb Markello, Maria Patt, and Jenn Aldred welcome guests to the AAUW sponsored house on the 2017 Elmhurst Garden Walk and Faire
Pat O’Dwyer and Elaine Libovitz at the 2017 Elmhurst Garden Walk and Faire
May Supper at Café Amano – 2017
2017 Returning Scholar Scholarship recipient Casandra Townsel accepts her award from AAUW Funds Director Mary Mallon at the May Supper
2017 Library Exhibit Case
January 2017 Meeting:
The RE:NEW Project
January 2017 Meeting
January 2017 Meeting
January 2017 Meeting
January 2017 Meeting
January 2017 Meeting
AAUW members prepare for the 2016 Used Book Sale.
Samantha Bauer, 2016 Returning Student Scholarship winner, accepts her award from Elaine Davison
Scholarship Winner Kathleen Ekeberg with Elaine Davison, AAUW Funds
Feb 2016 Program – Grace and Grit
AAUW members Carmen Higgins (left) and Cindy Grau (right) sort books for the annual sale.
Laura Mikulski receiving scholarship from Elaine Davison
Dare to Dream Scholarship Award winner!
Lauren Pittelli and Darlene Van Meir manning the AAUW table at Elmhurst Garden Walk