2024 Book Sale
The annual book sale is was a success. We want to thank all of you who purchased books, donated books, and worked sorting and selling books. Thank you to Sandburg Middle School for making such a great place available. A special thanks goes to our awesome co-chairs, Jennifer Jordan or Renee Oshinski. We hope we can continue to have another book sale next year.
2023 Book Sale
Our Used Book Sale was at a new location, and it was a success. We thank all of you who came an purchased books as well as all who sorted books and worked at the sale itself.
We hope we can do it again in 2024.
2022 Book Sale
We once again thank all of you who helped make this book sale a great success.
- Carolyn Heiney and Jennifer Jordan, the book sale co-chairs
- School District 205 for the use of Sandburg Middle School
- All those who picked up books, sorted books, and worked the sale
- Everyone who helped cleanup after the sale
- And, especially everyone who purchased books.
We hope we can do this again next year,
2021 Book Sale
Thank you to all of you who helped make this book sale a success. Without the fantastic location from Elmhurst School District 205, all of the many community members who donated books and more, our members who sorted everything and worked at the book sale, and the York High School football team members who cleaned up at the end of the sale,
our branch could never do this. We are especially grateful to Carolyn Heiney and her book sale committee for all the work you did.
2019 Book Sale

Krista, Betty Laliberte, Lauren Pitelli, Jan Caudy, and Barbara Hunter thank the Elmhurst Community and Doti’s Liquors for supporting the Used Book Sale.

Lauren Pitelli, Cindy Grau, Linda Fischer, Deb Markello, Carolyn Heiney, and Judy Ekblad are all smiles as they work a shift at the book sale.

Elmhurst College Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority members and friends assisted AAUW members at a book sort.
2018 and Earlier Used Book Sales
Claudia Oropeza and Paulina Rzeszowska are the recipients of the 2019 Returning Student Scholarships. Gabriela Hurtado is the recipient of the 2019 Dare to Dream Scholarship. Their profiles can be found under Scholarship Winners.
Our 59th annual Used Book Sale took place August 2nd-5th, 2018 in the Lincoln School multi-purpose room. Our total sales were better than the previous year and was a resounding success. We were able to provide funds for 2 (two) $2,500 Returning Student Scholarships and 1 (one) $1,000 Dare to Dream Scholarship in 2019. We were also able to donate $6,000 to AAUW National which funds crucial programs and research for women.
For five weeks an incredible group of dedicated sorters turned out to sort and organize the thousands of books that were donated by the community. As the saying goes, “Many hands make light work.” In the end, all the hard work paid off. The money raised from admissions fees on Thursday, our Preview Night, will go into our Convention Fund to help defray the cost of AAUW convention and conference attendance. The money raised from the sale of books, minus expenses, will be available for national AAUW contributions and local scholarships as determined by our AAUW Funds Committee and ratified by the Branch membership in November.
The annual Used Book Sale is our signature event in the Elmhurst community. It gives us priceless visibility, but also provides an important service. Residents can donate their books knowing that they will be put to good use; people can buy books at very affordable prices; anything left over is donated to local charities like the VA Hospital, the Peoples Resource Center (children’s books), and the Yorkfield Food Pantry or picked up by Discover Books to be donated elsewhere, sold to cover expenses, or recycled properly; the money raised funds AAUW’s important work as well as local scholarships; we get an opportunity to promote membership. Best of all, working on the sale gives us a chance to talk, share books, get to know each other better, and that, in turn, leads to a stronger Branch. This year we feel very strong indeed!
Dedicated members sort books every Wednesday and Saturday in preparation for the 2018 Used Book Sale.

Perry Doubt, Deb Markello, Jan Summers, Judy Ekblad, Betty Laliberte, and Elaine Davison at a 2017 book sort